Apply for your Coaching Discovery Session Below
Hello amazing woman!

If you’re ready to leave the pain of the past behind you and you've had your enough is enough moment - then you're in the right place.

The truth is, you deserve to live your boldest, brightest life. To be living into your deepest desires each and every day. The kind of life where you wake up in the morning excited for the day ahead. 

I would love to learn a little more about you so that I can best support you during our discovery session.

I only have limited spaces available for these sessions and the people I select to talk to are the people I believe that I can help. The more information I have, the better I can determine how I can help you.

I work best with women that:
• know they have more to give but aren’t owning their greatness or fully tapping into their potential
• are dynamic go-getters, ready to live their boldest, brightest life, but just not sure how to do it 
• when a problem comes up in her life she doesn’t turn into a victim, she asks “how can this serve me” and looks for the gold

Of course, your personal information is STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. You can rest in knowing my lips are sealed.

Please take the time to answer the questions below. I want to know what you truly deeply desire.

Much love
Renee xo

PS be sure to check your spam/ other/ junk folders for your booking confirmation.
My name is Renee Kacz, I'm a transformational leader, coach and public speaker.

I have been helping women to passionately live on purpose since 2013 with my signature program The Elevate Method.

I am currently taking applications for women who are ready to live their boldest, brightest life. I only ever work with a select number of women, and most who join The Elevate Method rarely leave. They renew year after year and so it's VERY rare that there are any openings.  

But... if this page is online right now, then a few spots have opened up. You have a small window of opportunity to grab one of these coveted spots. 

During our Discovery Session I will guide you through a powerful coaching process and provide a clear, step-by-step plan to help you move from where you are, to exactly where you truly desire to be. At the end of our time together, if I feel like The Elevate Method will help you passionately live on purpose, I will share how we can work together.

Please note, The Elevate Method is not for everyone, and I don't work with just anyone. I only work with women that are ready to make a real, lasting change in their life, who are open and coachable and ready to invest in themselves. If this sounds like you - apply now and I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Much love
Renee xo
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